
Installing plugins

Most plugins can be installed by simply cloning their repository in your app/plugin/ directory. To install without git, simply copy/move the plugin’s folder to app/plugin/. Note that the folder name must match the plugin’s package name (@package in the plugin’s base.php file).

Official plugins

Phproject includes several officially supported plugins that are maintained along with the core code.

Wiki - A minimal but powerful Wiki for your projects

Stats - Show advanced site stats and report anonymous usage statistics

Bitbucket - Integrate Bitbucket commits into your Phproject issues

Team Daily - A specialized dashboard to show the status of individual team members

Dev Stickers - Add the “Yes We Code” sticker set for issue descriptions and comments

Porter - Keeps your Phproject instance clean, deleting orphaned items

All Official Plugins ›

Plugin development

Plugin support is still under development, and may include significant changes to the API with future updates.

Plugins are made up of one or more PHP classes installed the app/plugin/ directory. As a minimum, all plugins must have a base.php file within their own directory.

Plugin Standards

Plugin README ›


If your plugin adds additional routes, they should point to a separate class outside of base.php, which should extend \Controller. Routes can be added in your Base->_load() method by getting the F3 Base class and calling the route() method on it:

// ...
public function _load()
    $f3 = \Base::instance();
    $f3->route("GET /yourplugin/action", "Plugin\Yourplugin\Controller->action");
// ...


Hooks allow your plugin to extend core Phproject functionality while avoiding conflicts. Hooks are callback functions that are called automatically when certain events happen, such as an Issue being saved or a text block being rendered. Your callback function will be passed an object or value which it can then manipulate and return to the core.

// ...
public function _load()
    $this->_hook("view.parse", function($str)
        return str_replace("asdf", "jkl;", $str);
// ...

Available hooks

Menu items can be added to the main navigation with a simple call to $this->_addNav($href, $title, $match = null) from your Base->_load() method. The third parameter is optional, and if present will be run through preg_match() with the current F3 @PATH to determine whether the menu item is active.

// ...
public function _load()
    $this->_addNav("myplugin/page", "My Plugin", "/^myplugin\/page/");
// ...


Plugins can add javascript code and files by


Plugins can provide additional localized strings by adding a dict directory to the plugin, with *.ini files for each language supported. These files must follow the same structure as the Phproject core dict/*.ini files, with the addition of a plugin namespace. For example:

dict.yourplugin.my_button=My Button

These can be called within templates using the standard syntax found in all the core views.

Example Base Class

 * @package YourPlugin
 * @author  Phproject User <>
 * @version 1.0.0

namespace Plugin\YourPlugin;

class Base extends \Plugin

    public function _load()
        $this->_hook( ... );

    public function _installed()
        return true;


Example folder structure
